Feb 26, 2013

The space within

Another challenge from Corinne of Everyday Gyan.‘Write exactly a 100 words on the prompt and publish it on your blog – a story, a poem, a mini-essay’.The prompt for this week was “sacred spaces”  Most of us consider sacred space to be something physical. Something with natural beauty or spiritual significance. For me, Sacred Space has no physical presence. It is something within us. A place where we retreat to discover our true selves; beyond ego, desires, anger and jealousy. A space we must nurture through contemplation and positive thoughts.   However adverse our outer circumstances might be, we can find tranquility,...

Feb 20, 2013

Book Review - Peep Peep Don't Sleep

I haven’t reviewed a book for a long time so when I got an offer to review Ajay Jain’s book I jumped at the opportunity. Which self respecting travel Junkie would say to no to reviewing a travelogue !  Well not exactly a travelogue. You can’t really call "Peep Peep Don’t Sleep" a travelogue per se. It’s a very interesting book by Ajay Jain that is basically a compilation of amusing road signs that Ajay clicked during his travels. As most of us know, Ajay Jain is a full time writer, professional blogger and photographer. He is also founder of the fabulous travel café Kunzum.  Ajay travelled by road for over 10,000 kms, mostly in...

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