May 12, 2015

Traveling Solo in India - Guest Post !

I am delighted to present a Guest Post I wrote for Roshni of the Indian American Mom fame. 

Roshni lives in picturesque San Diego with her Husband and her two sons (Little A and Big A). Her  blog’s Tagline is ‘Juggling two rich cultures through life and parenthood’. And she does just that – very effortlessly and with a lot of panache! Her blog is filled with anecdotes about Life in America with her family as well as posts that talk about her India connection.  It all makes for very delightful reading!

Guest posts always make me jittery. I just never know what to write. My usual reaction to them is to bury my head under the pillow and mumble lame excuses. 

So when Roshni asked me to write something about being single in India I was rather clueless about what to write. A lot of her readers are Non-Indians. I did not want to portray a depressing picture to them; neither did I want to paint a false rosy one. In the end, I just decided to write about what it's like to travel in India.  I do hope you enjoy reading it ! 

As someone who loves to travel, and often travels solo, I think India is the best and the worst country to do so. With its temples and monasteries, palaces and forts, beach resorts and mountain treks, it has something for everyone.

Unfortunately, India is also a rather inquisitive society. We will make your business our own and take an active interest in your life, often give unsolicited advice and feel offended if we are not privy to each and every detail of your personal life.




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